सोमवार, 24 नवंबर 2008
वोट से बनेंगे नए चरण चिन्ह
मताधिकार का उपयोग जरुर करें।
कला, संस्कृति और पर्यटन के बारे में बात करते हुए राजनीति पर चर्चा करने का मेरा कोई इरादा नहीं है। इनदिनों चारों और चल रही चुनावी चर्चाओं के बीच केवल यह कहना जरुरी लग रहा है कि अगर कोई नेता या उसकी पार्टी हमारी विशेष जरूरतों की बात नहीं करे या इनके लिए कोई चुनावी वादा नही करे तो इस बात की परवाह न करें। उन पर नाराज होकर अपनी ताकत को बेकार न जाने दें। वोट डालने के मामले में उदासीन न हों। अपने मताधिकार का उपयोग जरुर करें।
हो सकता है हमारी जरुररों की मांग अभी जंगल में रोने के सिवाय कुछ नहीं, लेकिन हमारा यह वोट सिर्फ चुनाव लड़ने वालों की ही किस्मत नहीं बदलेगा, यह हमारी भी किस्मत बदलेगा। हम जिस तरह के उम्मीदवार को वोट देंगे, हमारा मुस्तकबिल भी वैसा ही होगा। वोट ही हमारी ताकत है। अगर सभी वोट डालें और सही आदमी को चुनें तो मुझे नहीं लगता कि बिजली, पानी, सड़क, स्कूल या रोजगार के साथ हमारी अन्य दिक्कतें भी दूर होगी। वोट ही हमें तरक्की के रास्ते पर ले जा सकता है।
आजादी यही तो है। यहां हम अपनी मर्जी का हुक्मरान चुनते है जो हमारी मर्जी से काम करता है। अगर वह हमारे लिए काम नहीं करेगा तो हम उसे बदल देंगे। इसी पोलिंग बूथ के रास्ते हमें मंजिल मिलेगी। हमें अपनी कला और संस्कृति के विकास व समृद्धि की जरूरत है और यह सब हासिल करने का यह सबसे बढि़या तरीका है। अब सभी लोगों ने इस सच्चाई को समझ लिया है इसलिए वे अपने मत का प्रयोग करने के लिए वोट डालते हैं। अपने मताधिकार का प्रयोग करने से जी चुराने वालों को अपनी ताकत जानने की जरूरत है। वोट देना हमारा फर्ज है। इससे हमारी तकदीर बदलती है।
यही एक दिन होता है जिस दिन हम बादशाह होते है और अगले कुछ सालों तक किसी और को बादशाहत देते है ताकि वह हमारे लिए काम करे। अच्छी हुकूमत होगी तो ये दिक्कतें दूर हो जाएंगी।अगर हम वोट डालने नहीं आएंगे तो फिर वही लोग हुकुमत करेंगे जो हमारी पसंद के नहीं होंगे और जिन्हे हमारी कोई चिंता नहीं होगी। आपने कभी वोट डाला है? अगर नहीं तो फिर इस बार आप वोट जरुर डालो, अपने आप पता चल जाएगा कि अपनी ताकत का सही इस्तेमाल करना कैसा लगता है।
रविवार, 9 नवंबर 2008
पेंटिंग प्रापर्टी पैतालीस परसैंट घटी
Art masterpieces flop at auction
A major auction of masterpieces found few buyers, confirming that the global financial crisis is wreaking havoc on the art market.
The auction room at Christie's in New York was unusually subdued as 85 works of impressionist and modern art went on the block, no less than 44 percent of them failing to attract buyers.
There is still money in the rarified circles of international art collectors, but not the kind that in previous years sparked intense bidding wars and dizzy profits for sellers.
"We are in what is obviously a very difficult financial time for the world," said Christie's Christopher Burge, who headed the auction.
One of the star items, Pablo Picasso's surrealist "Deux personanages (Marie-Therese et sa soeur lisant)," dating from 1934, fetched 18 million dollars -- the lower end of its pre-auction estimate, which had gone as high as 25 million dollars.
Of those that did sell, 11 percent went for more than their estimate.
One of these was Juan Gris' "Livre, pipe et verre" from 1915, selling at 20.8 million dollars. The target had been 12.5 to 18.5 million dollars.
"Improvisation" by Expressionist master Wassily Kandinsky sold for 17 million dollars, where the estimates were for 15-20 million dollars.
Other big-ticket items performed even more disappointingly for Christie's.
The painting "Pont d'Argenteuil et la Seine," by Gustave Caillebotte, sold for 8.4 million dollars, the lower end of the estimate. A Giacometti sculpture of three stick-like figures sold for 11.5 million dollars, below the 14 million dollar lower estimate.
On Monday, rival auction house Sotheby's also experienced a difficult night for its impressionist and modern works.
There were several impressive sales, including 60 million dollars for an abstract painting by Russian artist Kazimir Malevich, but many other works, including paintings by Picasso and Degas, did not sell.
Experts said there was still demand for top-of-the-range works, but that in general the market has taken a hit as wealthy collectors assess damage on the stock markets.
The art market will be put to the test again next week, when contemporary sales -- which have in the past commanded vast prices -- take place.
By comparison, last spring in New York a painting by Claude Monet, "Le Pont du chemin de fer a Argenteuil," sold for 41.4 million dollar and a Francis Bacon triptych went for an astounding 86.2 million dollars.
Burge said at a press conference after the auction that he was surprised things were not much worse, given the state of major economies around the world.
"It seems remarkable that you can even sell anything. All this is really complex," he said.
One factor, he said, is that "many dealers take advantage of the situation to buy, but the Gris for example has been bought by a private collector. There's definitely enough money around."
A major auction of masterpieces found few buyers, confirming that the global financial crisis is wreaking havoc on the art market.
The auction room at Christie's in New York was unusually subdued as 85 works of impressionist and modern art went on the block, no less than 44 percent of them failing to attract buyers.
There is still money in the rarified circles of international art collectors, but not the kind that in previous years sparked intense bidding wars and dizzy profits for sellers.
"We are in what is obviously a very difficult financial time for the world," said Christie's Christopher Burge, who headed the auction.
One of the star items, Pablo Picasso's surrealist "Deux personanages (Marie-Therese et sa soeur lisant)," dating from 1934, fetched 18 million dollars -- the lower end of its pre-auction estimate, which had gone as high as 25 million dollars.
Of those that did sell, 11 percent went for more than their estimate.
One of these was Juan Gris' "Livre, pipe et verre" from 1915, selling at 20.8 million dollars. The target had been 12.5 to 18.5 million dollars.
"Improvisation" by Expressionist master Wassily Kandinsky sold for 17 million dollars, where the estimates were for 15-20 million dollars.
Other big-ticket items performed even more disappointingly for Christie's.
The painting "Pont d'Argenteuil et la Seine," by Gustave Caillebotte, sold for 8.4 million dollars, the lower end of the estimate. A Giacometti sculpture of three stick-like figures sold for 11.5 million dollars, below the 14 million dollar lower estimate.
On Monday, rival auction house Sotheby's also experienced a difficult night for its impressionist and modern works.
There were several impressive sales, including 60 million dollars for an abstract painting by Russian artist Kazimir Malevich, but many other works, including paintings by Picasso and Degas, did not sell.
Experts said there was still demand for top-of-the-range works, but that in general the market has taken a hit as wealthy collectors assess damage on the stock markets.
The art market will be put to the test again next week, when contemporary sales -- which have in the past commanded vast prices -- take place.
By comparison, last spring in New York a painting by Claude Monet, "Le Pont du chemin de fer a Argenteuil," sold for 41.4 million dollar and a Francis Bacon triptych went for an astounding 86.2 million dollars.
Burge said at a press conference after the auction that he was surprised things were not much worse, given the state of major economies around the world.
"It seems remarkable that you can even sell anything. All this is really complex," he said.
One factor, he said, is that "many dealers take advantage of the situation to buy, but the Gris for example has been bought by a private collector. There's definitely enough money around."
मास्टर पीस भी धराशाई
Art auctions hit further problems
Munch's Vampire bucked the trend by selling for $38.1m (£24.2m) on Monday
Works of Impressionist and Modern art have again struggled at auction in New York, with nearly half of pieces at a Christie's sale going unsold.
Some 46% of 82 works on sale at Thursday's auction - including two Picassos - were not sold. The auction fell $100m (£63.4m) short of estimates.
Two other auctions in the city this week have suggested that modern art is being hit by the financial downturn.
A third of 128 lots across two separate auctions on Wednesday failed to sell.
'Reduced level'
Christie's honorary chairman Christopher Burge said that the millions of dollars still taken in "this climate of financial turmoil" suggested "there is still a great deal of money left for the art market".
But he said the outcome of Thursday's auction was "obviously a reduced level and we have to recognise that".
Rothko's No 43 (Mauve) did not sell at Christie's on Wednesday
"Obviously, in the future we will have to lower estimates," Mr Burge added.
Strong prices were achieved for a few of the 82 works - including $20.8m (£13.2m) for Juan Gris's Livre, Pipe et Verres, $18m (£11.4m) for Picasso's Deux Personnages and $16.9m (£10.7m) for Kandinsky's Studie zu Improvisation 3.
But for a number of lots, bids did not come close to matching reserves.
This was the case with the two unsold Picassos - one which was estimated to fetch between $15m (£9.5m) and $20m (£12.7m), and another which was estimated to fetch between $10m (£6.4m) and $15m.
On Wednesday, Mark Rothko's No 43 (Mauve) - expected to fetch up to $30m (£18.8m) - failed to find a buyer at the Modern Age sale at Christie's.
Also on Wednesday, there were no bids at Sotheby's in New York for Alexei Petrovich Bogoliubov's View of St Petersburg, which was estimated to fetch $3m (£1.9m).
But despite recent problems, a rare Edvard Munch masterpiece sold for $38।1m (£24.2m) at Sotheby's on Monday, breaking a record for the artist's work.
मूमल विचार
मूमल का मानना है की इन हालत से हमारे उन कलाकारों और खरीदारों को अपनी योजनाओं पर फिर से विचार करना चाहिए जो इनदिनों इस धंधे में अंधाधुन्द पैसा लगा रहें हैं।
शनिवार, 8 नवंबर 2008
मूमल की गली में पहला कदम
"मूमल" की गली में आपका स्वागत है।
इस गली में आपको कला और शिल्प के बहुत से वह नायब नमूने मिल सकते हैं जिनकी आपको तलाश है। खासकर राजस्थान से सम्बन्धित कला और शिल्प की बेपर्दा जानकारी आपको इस ब्लॉग से मिल सकती है।
बस आपको इतना भर करना है कि आपको मेरी गली में इसी तरह आते रहना होगा।
बस एक दस्तक दो और आर्ट एंड क्राफ्ट कि दुनिया में चल रही असल उठा-पटक से अवगत हो जाओ।
इस गली में आपको कला और शिल्प के बहुत से वह नायब नमूने मिल सकते हैं जिनकी आपको तलाश है। खासकर राजस्थान से सम्बन्धित कला और शिल्प की बेपर्दा जानकारी आपको इस ब्लॉग से मिल सकती है।
बस आपको इतना भर करना है कि आपको मेरी गली में इसी तरह आते रहना होगा।
बस एक दस्तक दो और आर्ट एंड क्राफ्ट कि दुनिया में चल रही असल उठा-पटक से अवगत हो जाओ।
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